of Lincoln County, NM


Two useful articles below re: Hispanic voters.
From the first article.....Hispanic voters report they were less likely to be contacted by a campaign then other voters.
From the second article....NM has the highest share of Latino voters in the nation.
At this point we don't have a way to identify Latino unregistered voters from the list of "potential democratic voters" that aren't citizens that we're purchasing. We're purchasing data from the major generator of democratic political data in the nation and they don't have that info. We will know the total number of registered voters in households we send messages to by postcards or programmatic ads.
Below are a few excerpts from this article.
In New Mexico, 45% of all eligible voters are Latino, the highest share of any state. New Mexico is also the only state in which Latinos make up a higher share of the total eligible voter population than any other racial or ethnic group. This includes Americans who are White alone and non-Hispanic, who account for 40% of New Mexico’s eligible voters.
Latinos are considerably less likely than Americans overall to be eligible to vote (53% vs. 72%). This is partly because the nation’s Latino population includes a large number of people who are too young to vote or who are not U.S. citizens:
29% of Latinos are under 18, compared with 22% of the U.S. overall.
19% of Latinos are not U.S. citizens, compared with 6% of the total U.S. population.
Latino immigrants who are not eligible to vote include permanent residents (green card holders) and those in the process of becoming permanent residents; those in the U.S. on temporary visas; and unauthorized immigrants.
Donald Trump’s main healthcare policy initiative while President was to repeal the ACA.
In the Congress, virtually every Republican budget or fiscal plan over the last decade has included altering, defunding, delaying, or repealing the ACA and deep cuts to Medicaid.
Trump, the front-runner for this year’s GOP presidential nomination, has resurrected attacks on the ACA despite its overwhelming popularity, and now is campaigning for re-election on a threat to rip away health care from millions of Americans.
Trump’s and MAGA Republicans’ America is one where millions of people lose their health insurance and seniors and families across the country face exorbitant costs just to stay healthy.
Repealing the ACA would rip away protections for millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions, hike health care costs for working families, and throw millions of people off their health insurance.
If the Affordable Care Act is repealed:
GONE: 2.3 million adult children will no longer be able to stay on their parents’
GONE: Insurance companies will be able to charge women more than men.
GONE: Ban on insurance companies having annual and lifetime caps on coverage.
GONE: Requirements that insurance companies cover prescription drugs and maternity
GONE: Protections for 135 million Americans with pre-existing conditions, including
54 million people with a pre-existing condition that would make them completely uninsurable.
GONE: Medicaid expansion, which covers more than 22 million people.
GONE: Quality, affordable coverage that over 15.5 million people who buy insurance on
their own.
GONE: Premium tax credits that make premiums affordable for 80 percent of people who
purchase health care on the marketplace.
GONE: 50 million seniors will have to pay more for prescription drugs because the
Medicare ‘donut hole’ will be reopened.
GONE: Critical funding for rural hospitals.
GONE: 61.5 million Medicare beneficiaries will face higher costs and disruptions to their medical care.
The Impact of the Repeal of the ACA on New Mexicans
The ACA has had enormous benefits for public health in New Mexico by making health insurance less discriminatory, more equitable, and more affordable.
if successful, Republicans’ plans to slash Medicaid and roll back protections in the ACA would have devastating consequences in New Mexico:
334,000 New Mexico residents who get coverage through the ACA could lose their health insurance.
40,778 New Mexicans signed up for ACA marketplace coverage for 2023 and over 293,000 New Mexicans are enrolled in Medicaid expansion coverage available due to the ACA.
Enrollment in qualified health plans increased in 2024 to 56,447, an increase in 38.4% in one year
669,000 New Mexico residents with Medicaid, including children, could lose critical services, or could even lose coverage altogether
At least 337,000 New Mexicans with pre-existing health conditions could be denied coverage or charged more for treatment.
Up to 118,000 New Mexico residents could lose protection against catastrophic medical bills.
Before the ACA, insurance plans were not required to limit enrollees’ total costs, and almost one in five people with employer coverage had no limit on out-of-pocket costs, meaning they were exposed to tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills if they became seriously ill.
532,000 New Mexicans would be at risk of lifetime benefit caps.
Prior to the ACA, mostly people with employer coverage had a lifetime limit on their health insurance benefits, and every year up to 20,000 people hit that cap and saw their benefits exhausted just when they needed them most.
Families across New Mexico could lose free preventive care, like cancer screenings, cholesterol tests, annual check-ups, and contraceptive services, which are provided at no cost under the ACA.
This includes more than 735,472 New Mexicans, most of whom have employer coverage.
96,000 seniors and people with disabilities in New Mexico could receive worse care, with ballooning home care wait lists and eroded nursing home care.
New Mexicans could lose access to opioid and other substance use treatment or mental health care.
What’s clear is this: extreme MAGA Republicans are trying to make health care more expensive for New Mexico families, all while pushing for more tax breaks for billionaires.
Trump, His MAGA Republican Minions, and Their Threat to American Healthcare
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare, was passed by Congress over unanimous Republican opposition and signed into law by President Barack Obama in March, 2010.
At the time the ACA was introduced, nearly 50 million US citizens had no health insurance – or one out of every six Americans. That was by far the worst performance among healthcare systems in developed countries..
Obamacare today has been called the most successful US health-care reform achievement in a generation.
Americans have embraced Obamacare. By a 37-point margin, the majority of Americans say they have favorable views of the ACA, with less than one in four holding unfavorable views (61 percent favorable – 24 percent unfavorable),
President Biden and Democrats have continued their commitment to drive down healthcare costs, expand coverage, and improve care for all Americans by enhancing the ACA.
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) contained provisions that expanded the number of people who were eligible for ACA health plan subsidies by about 20 percent.
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 extended those subsidies.
Obamacare enrollment hits record level in 2024.
21.3 million people selected an ACA Health Insurance Marketplace plan during the 2024 Open Enrollment Period.
Total plan selections include more than 5 million people who are new to the Marketplaces and 16 million people who renewed their coverage.